Korean Journal of Microbiology

Table. 1.

The general features of <italic>Edwardsiella anguillarum</italic> strain C-5-1 genome
Features Value
Genome size (bp) 4,293,127
Chromosome 4,140,843
Plasmid (p1_C-5-1) 152,284
G + C content (%) 58.7
No. of contigs 2
Plasmid 1
Total genes 4,010
Protein-coding genes 3,771
rRNAs 25
tRNAs 99
ncRNAs 6
Pseudogenes 109
Korean J. Microbiol. 2023;59:30-3 https://doi.org/10.7845/kjm.2023.3001
© 2023 Korean J. Microbiol.