Isolation of mep33 (SPBC28F2.02) gene complementing the synthetic lethality and mRNA export defect of SLN1 mutant.
(A) Phenotypic growth after 4 days incubation at 30°C. SLN1 cells transformed with pDW232 (empty vector), the vector containing nab2 gene (pNab2), rmn1 gene (pRmn1), and mep33 gene (pMep33), respectively, were streaked on EMM plates in the absence (-B1) and presence (+B1) of thiamine. The mep33 gene suppress partially the growth defect of SLN1 mutant in synthetic lethal condition (+B1). (B) Poly(A)+ RNA localization was shown by FISH. SLN1 cells carrying the vectors as indicated were cultured in EMM without thiamine to mid-log phase. Cells were then shifted to EMM containing thiamine and grown for 18 hrs. The bottom panels show coincident DAPI staining.
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