Korean Journal of Microbiology

Table. 3.

Differential phenotypic characteristics of strain MEBiC01930T and the species of the genus Seonamhaeicola

Strains: 1, MEBiC01930T (this study); 2, S. marinus NBRC 112333T (data from this study and Fang et al. (2017)); 3, S. maritims KCTC 72528T (data from this study and Cao et al. (2020)); 4, S. acroporae KCTC 62713T (data from this study and Yoon et al. (2019)); 5, S. sediminis KCTC 72085T (data from this study and Zhang et al. (2020)); 6, S. aphaedonesis KCTC 32578T (data from this study and Park et al. [2014]); 7, S. algicola KCTC 42396T (data from this study and Zhou et al. [2016]).; +, Positive reaction; -, negative reaction; w, weakly positive; nd, not determinted. FAn; facultative anaerobic, SA; Strictly aerobic, PE; phosphatidyl ethanolamine, PL; phospholipid, AL; aminolipid, APL; aminophospholipid, AGL; aminoglycolipid, L; polar lipid. All strains were positive for enzyme activity of Alkaline phosphatase and negative for Lipase (C14), phosphohydrolase α-galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, α- mannosidase, and α-fucosidase.

Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cell size (μm) 0.3–0.5 × 1.6–2.1 0.5–0.7 × 2.0–8.0a 0.5–0.7 × 2.0–11.0b 0.3–0.4c 0.3–0.8 × 1.0–4.0d 0.2–0.7 × 0.9–8.5e 0.3–0.5 ×4.0–12.0f

Respiration mode FAn FAna FAnb SAc ndd nde FAnf

Growth range of:
Temperature (°C) 20–32 (26–29) 10–40 (28)a 10–35(28)b 10–40 (37)c 15–37 (28)d 10–37 (25)e 10–40 (33–37)f
pH 6.5–8.5(7.5) 6–8.5(6.5–7.5)a 6.5–9 (7.5)b 6.5–8.5 (7)c 6.0–8.5(7.5)d 6–8 (7)e 6–8 (7–7.5)f
NaCl (%, w/v) 0–4 (2) 1–5 (3)a 1–4 (2)b 1–5 (3)c 1–5 (3)d 1–5 (2)e 0–7 (2.2)f

Nitrate reduction + + a + b c + d e f

Motility a b c + d e + f

Hydrolysis of :
Agar + a b c d e + e
DNase + a b + c + d e e
Gelatin + a nd b c nd d e + e
Strach a + b c d + e + e
Tween 80 a b c d + e e

Acid production from
esculin + + +
sucrose + + w +
5-keto-gluconate + + + + +
Glycerol +
D-arabinose w +
D-xylose w + + +
N-acethyl-glucosamine + +
cellobiose + +

Enzyme activities
Catalase, Leucine arylamidase + + + + + +
Alkaline phosphatase + + + + + +
Esterase (C4) + + + +
Esterase Lipase (C8) + w + +
Valine arylamidase + + + +
Trypsin + +

Major polar lipids PE, 3L, 2AL PE, PL, AL, APL 5L a PE, 6AL, 4L b PE, 2AL, 2L c PE, AL, AGL, 2L d PE, PL, AL, 3L e PE, PL, AL, AGL, GL, 2L f

DNA G + C content (mol%) 35.4 33.9 a 33.3 b 34.3 c 33.5 d 34.8 e 35.3 f

Optimum value in the parentheses.

* Data from: a, Fang et al. (2017); b, Cao et al. (2020); c, Yoon et al. (2019); d, Zhang et al. (2020); e, Park et al. (2014); f, Zhou et al. (2016).

Korean J. Microbiol. 2024;60:232-42 https://doi.org/10.7845/kjm.2024.4093
© 2024 Korean J. Microbiol.